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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Town is planning to pave down part of Mill Dam Road for a bicycle route and nature corner

The city is planning to build a new center and bicycle route down in Mill Dam Road.  Because the Starrs Cave Center is owned by the state and not city, they are wanting to build a new one in order for the city to own it.  They also want to build a large road leading to this center.  Problem is that there are houses there that have been there for more than 40 years and that it wouldn't be in much use because of how far back it is in there.  The city cannot afford with building something like that.  Many of the people in the area are pissed off with the situation and the person who is ahead of the deal is one of the supervisors at Starrs Cave.  The project suppose to start either 2012 or 2013.

Update:  I was told that they have been trying to convince the entire area to do this for the past 6 years.  The big problem is that they could vote on kicking everyone out regardless if they didn't want it or not.  It reminds me of the time when the city tore down the entire Manor area in order to sell the land to a company to build a mini mall, even though they changed their minds in building it there.  The lot is still empty and the asbestos is still there on the property ever since the buildings were torn down.

I wonder if the cause was that the property tax is high and the city has strict rules that buildings have to apply to.  After all, union businesses are excluded out of property taxes, like Wal-Mart.

What the city and Starrs Cave center should concentrate on is the agent orange that is in both the cave, the water, and in areas around Skunk River.  Agent Orange isn't something people want to mess with and it shouldn't be ignored.

Burlington Mixing Company building is complete; problems with it

Well, the model is complete.  However, its too big to upload to warehouse.  So instead, I uploaded the file in this link for you to see yourselves.

Because of these errors of file size of being too big, I decided to reduce the detail of my next models, but at the same time have some form of detail added.

Sketchup file

Light poles at SCC now available on Google Earth

All but one layer of lights have been added into Google Earth layer.  That particular layer are the lights that are located in between the two dorm rooms.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Article about my work in todays newspaper

In section 3C, there is an article published about me and my work.  It's in The Hawkeye Newspaper.
You can also read the article on the website as well.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Added next piece to building; Information about light pole models at SCC

I'm almost halfway done in finishing the model.  I'm having edges pushed both in and out of the model to add more detail to it.  This is an experiment.

Also, I received a couple of notices stating that the light pole models do not exist (as a building model).  I think its like that because the system hasn't been updated to accept models of trees, benches, lights, etc.  Anyway, I received an email from Sketchup after I filed an appeal, saying that they reversed their decision.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Hawk Eye interview; WIP of my next building

Yesterday, I had an interview from The Hawk Eye in regards of my model making.  I also had some images taken of myself and my laptop showing one of my models as a display.  The article would be published in the paper this Sunday.

On my way back home, I came across to this particular building.

I took some photos of around the building in hopes to create a model out of it.  I'm using new techniques in showing more detail of a building.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Parking lights layers created for SCC

I added several layers of lights for the parking lots and drive-ins.  Hopefully it would be accepted.